Sunday, March 4, 2012

My own tale

In the decade between my mid-20s and mid-30s I tried to read Swann's Way several times but found the first 50 pages difficult. However, I kept picking it up and reading until one day it just clicked — I saw the talent and the beauty of Proust's writing and never looked back. I read In Search of Lost Time all the way through non-stop.

When I finished the last volume, Time Regained, there was so much I wanted to go back and reread that I read the first three volumes a second time.

I was very proud of myself, and thought I was conversational in Proust.

Now I realize that I have forgotten everything. I want to read ISOLT all over again. Last month I started with a guide by Patrick Alexander titled, "A Reader's Guide to The Remembrance of Things Past," and I can't recommend it highly enough, even though it bears an outdated title.

This time I started at the end and read Time Regained first, I underlined most of the second half of the volume and said "wow" on nearly every page.

I wanted to share what I was reading with someone who knew what I was talking about, but there was no website I could find that would let me express myself.

Now I have moved on to Swann's Way, and I'm about 160 pages into it. I am reading with much more comprehension this third time.

I intend to read all the volumes again and document here some thoughts and observations which may come to mind.

I am just an average person, no scholar. But I hope to attract other like-minded readers of ISOLT to come here and play in the sandbox with me.

Leave me a message, and I'll write back.

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